EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN, June 21, 2021 Phoenix5
by Michael Wells Mandeville, Central Arizona
Item: Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of June 21, 2021 by Phoenix5
The full Update is available in PDF format.
ONCE AGAIN, A NOTE FOR THIS ISSUE: this is a brief, all the explanatory material and deeper discussions have been stripped away. Times are a wastin! The acceleration of the invasion of our society has reached a crescendo much sooner than anyone could reasonably expect to think. Huge shifts are now in motion and nobody knows where anything is going to land. So I am heavily focused on completing my material on how everyone can escape the pandemics and infectious diseases which is now summarized under the title Sonic Mist.
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I opened up and for people who want to communicate with me and my readers but so far we are not getting anything going on like that. That’s okay by me I got so much to do, groan….
Breaking News: June 21, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: the current round of so-called vaccinations should not be referred to as such. Why? Because they are not vaccinations. The term “vaccination” once had a very specific and precise meaning. But in this era the term has been hijacked, or “jacked”, as is now a popular way of saying the same thing. The term was co-opted by social engineering crowds to refer to something completely different than the common traditional use. This is a part of the massive medical fraud which currently is being played out across the planet. I am referring to them as Franken-Jabs. This connotes an obnoxious, aggressive use of a bizarre composition of parts with a hint of horrible results. I am not trying to be smart-alecky. I’m attempting to be matter-of-fact in the briefest of Zen chops.
Biggest Human Shift: The COVID-19 Pandemic may be over in much of the U.S. and various locations around the world, but a new Pandemic is rapidly emerging from the widespread Gates/Fauci Franken-jab program. To keep things simple shall we just simply call this the Gatesrape? Each and every day sees a mounting flood of reports from people throughout the world about the huge numbers and high percentages of adverse reactions to the Gatesrape Jabs. Large and small, many countries are forbidding the use of American Franken-jabs. Rumors abound that hundreds of thousands have already been severely affected, that millions more will be within the next 2 years, and some people are even whispering that everyone who took the Franken-Jabs are going to die within the next 5 years. Such fears may seem extreme at this moment in the state of our ignorance but it’s already abundantly clear that the Gatesrape-Jabs are not fit in any manner for human consumption.
Many highly informed astute wise people with long experience on this planet are calling for immediate cessation of the programs. They are asserting that the obvious impacts on all ages and people in all walks of life are much worse than the disease. The refusal of the political and institutional class of people to deal directly and honestly with the issues have made it already perfectly obvious that people in the pharmaceutical industry, Gates, WHO, NIH, and the CDC are either lying or are mindlessly repeating propaganda dictated by others. In any event, a massive change needs to be made. A massive conflict of wills is forming up and will collide this Fall. It won’t be pretty but it will be heroic. See Fear & Loathing below.
Biggest Geophysical Shift – a settling down of volcanic activity. Only the fissure eruptions in southern Iceland aggressively continued erupting lava flows across the landscape, though a couple of new relatively minor lava flows occurred at other volcanoes.
Solar Activity: the Sunspot Count fell to zero last week and then suddenly rose again during this past week to reach a count of 24 with a flat flux of 77 on June 18, 2021. More or less as predicted, this rise was perfectly timed with the planetary alignment of Venus with Mars on June 19, 2021. As of June 21, 2021, the sunspot Count was 13 on a falling flux of 76 with a modest wind speed.
Blue Sun: Grand Solar Minimum - on track as a Dalton MIN,
Planetary Alignments: June 29, 2021 - July 1, 2021 Mercury/Jupiter and Saturn --- Solar Activity should be responsive during the last week in June.
ENSO by NOAA: no change since last week, ENSO neutral is here officially, and will remain so through August and has at least a 50% probability remaining from September through November 2021. In street language, this means they are pretty confident through to August of existing conditions but after then they have not a clue.
EAST PACIFIC OCEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURE : Temperatures on the Pacific Equator are at average in a narrow and stretching from South America to the Philippines. But converging on the Equator from both the northern and southern hemispheres is a huge, growing patch of water which is cooler than average. Very interesting pattern I’ve never seen before. Will this bring a sudden in to the ENSO neutral and a return to La Niña? An interesting watch is at hand for at least the next 2 weeks.
Jet Stream – is in largely a classic ENSO neutral wave pattern with the major exception of a major bulge in the polar vortex which pushes the Jetstream down into the Mississippi River Valley area. This is definitely the reason for tornadoes throughout the area at this time. Otherwise, the Jetstream is striking North America at a very high latitude, primarily through the Alaskan Panhandle and then straight through to Alberta where it joins a polar vortex push down into the Mid-West. The California portion of the Pacific coast of the US is left high and dry, joining the Southwest in a killing drought.
There is a grapevine speculation that now once again the North American continent will experience the dustbowl decade of the 1930s.
Hurricane Season
The Atlantic: storm “Claudette” gliding out at sea past New England headed north by northeast
The East Pacific: nada
The Central Pacific: nada
NOAA's outlook for the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season indicates that an above-normal season is most likely, with a possibility the season could be extremely active. The outlook calls for a 60% chance of an above-normal season, followed by a 30% chance of a near-normal season, and a 10% chance of a below-normal season. See NOAA definitions of above-, near-, and below-normal seasons. The Atlantic hurricane region includes the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico.
The 2021 outlook calls for a 70% probability for each of the following ranges of activity:
• 13-20 Named Storms
• 6-10 Hurricanes
• 3-5 Major Hurricanes
• Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) range of 110%-190% of the median
The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season could extend the record of consecutive seasons with above-normal activity to 6 consecutive seasons.
Southwestern Weather: long drought continues, may become severe by Fall 2021, daily summer temperatures at about 108 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday and today and predicted throughout this week, declining slightly to around 104. Nighttime lows are high 70s.
East of Rockies Weather: not tracked this week.
North American Seasonal: Weather Forecast is in the full Bulletin June 7, 2021.
Lunar Orbital
The Moon today is just 2 days shy of Perigee and 5 days shy of a Full Moon in an Extreme Southern Declination. This Full Moon is very closely aligned with its most extreme orbital torque moments. So watch out for elevated surge of activity during the next Full Moon.
Next Full Moon: June 24, 2021: 11:39 am (UTC -7) Arizona time
VOLCANIC ACTIVITY: The first week in June 2021 was brisk for volcanism but since then activity has dropped off greatly. The Smithsonian reported on 21 active eruptions as of June 15, 2021, most of them in the Western Pacific. Etna was off the list after months of nearly continual activity but the eruption on Iceland remains vigorous with flowing lava across the landscape, lava fountains, and related ash and gas activity. But for most of the remaining eruptions, not so much, in fact hardly worth mentioning. Two other volcanoes in the Western Pacific manifested actual lava flows, almost all the other reported activity was scattered, sporadic low level gas and ash emissions. Some merely appeared hot and/or produced occasional seismic flurries. It could be that we are past peak for the 2021 volcano season.
Seismic Activity: Not so much but likely a surge will materialize during the next 48 hours. In the meanwhile a dull average except for today, June 21, 2021. Suddenly the Earth caught up its average for Class 6 quakes with 2 of them in the Kermadec Islands of northern New Zealand.
Polar Axis Shift – not monitored at this time.
The Fauci Franken-Jabs and the COVID -19 Irrelevancy
A huge wave of realizations is shifting opinions and behaviors, rapidly vis a vis the astounding VAXX Fraud of 2020/2021. This is especially true among the most informed professionals.
Q: Some are arguing that there is no virus. None at all. It is all the end result of cellular breakdowns and bacteria.
MWM: This is not the whole story. There are a couple of major gaps which need to be bridged with some logic. There are microbiologists reporting geo-engineered genome splicing claiming that it is the fearsome COVID. Deal with them forthrightly. There are actual spike viral entities which have been photographed. Deal with them point blank. And the comparisons narrated by Lynn Bruno are incomplete, no culture there shows an actual so-called covid victim's cultured tissue or cells under the same duress as the other cells The logic generalizations are not complete. The story needs to be completed by clearly dealing with these gaps. At the moment, I am supposing that an agent it out there catalyzing these epidemic seasonal waves. The real issue is that pneumonia is the closing death agent, so maybe we are dealing with some geo-engineered connection to pneumonia.
Something, out there, there is. But we are seeing it too darkly to nail it. Saying that it is nothing leaves us unable to deal with the sudden Jab deaths and the lingering Jab crippling, and the emerging Jab deaths from so-called "long-haul" covid caused by the Fauci Franken-Jabs. No matter the intellectual conclusion. the real epidemic or pandemic is the Fauci Franken-Jab, focus on what is going on there. At the moment "the spikes" are the focal point, tiny protein stands. Just dirt heavily ladled into the Jabs?, Or WTF. At the moment the virologists, microbiologists, health scientists etc are trying to prove that no Jabs are necessary because of a variety of things which will shut the wild infections down very quickly (this is really true), meanwhile the Franken-Jabbers are busy with the real genocide program by scaring the "herd" into the Gatesian Rapefest where the poisoned cool-aid flows freely.
A Vast Collision of Wills for Fall 2021 – the September-December Battlefield
The next wave of a scarier version of the Covid Boogieman is already being programmed into the mass mind. The pandemonium about it will be unleased all systems go with the beginning of the next flu season (which is essentially what Covid is).
This will correspond with a huge increase, possibly involving millions of previously Franken-Jabbed people, with very unhappy delayed effects or secondary effects which are created by the stimulus which the fall seasonal flu will create in the immune systems of those who are exposed to it (despite masking, all will be exposed to it). The mRNA logic program will kick in and produce immense cytokine storms in bodies which are attempting to eliminate “the spikes” which have been distributed throughout the body, initially by the Franken-Jabs, and then secondarily, if the scientific pundits are correct, by the immune system’s call for antigens. The mRNA program will flood the body with them.
So by late November or so there may actually be a true health crisis serving as a backdrop while a massive pushback against tyrannical pandemic measures begins to rage.
At the same time the results of additional state vote audits are likely to be adding up to a bizarre set of conclusions, namely that Donald Trump really was elected, and the vote counting truly was stolen by Democratic Party crime rings.
In this regard watch Arizona. The grapevine locally here is that the final report of the full vote Count and analysis will be made at the end of this month, i.e. in about 10 days. It will point to 300,000 fake ballots, an actual landslide victory for Donald Trump, and the actual victory of several Republicans for offices further down the ballot. This may include the Secretary of State, as well as Sen. Mark Kelly. The election victory of Mark Kelly is so anomalous to the culture of Arizona (i.e. on the topic of gun confiscation) that it is simply unbelievable that he could win by the margin the Democrats claim he won. A class gun grabber, he garnered 200,000 votes over a retired female military jet fighter flyer who was waiving the MAGA flag for God country and family.
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 31, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
The long expected Singularity (a time which engages all of humanity in sudden transformative change)…
…has begun.
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 24, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
"The non vaccinated will save humanity"
From French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor,
Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology
and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020
Pour your favorite beverage and take another few minutes to let that float around in your mind gathering up some of the implications for our futures.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, and hard data about all levels of the Covid Scamdemic is exceptional. The subscribers there are on top of the scene. You could write...
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 17, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
Montagnier: "The non vaccinated will save humanity"
Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon – still working on data verifications. But here is an urgent note:
From Milan, Italy, this past January 15th, 2022: French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020) got a well deserved welcome on his arrival at today’s protest in Milan.
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...