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Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of May 31, 2021

EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN, May 31, 2021 Phoenix5
by Michael Wells Mandeville, Central Arizona
Item: Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of May 31, 2021 by Phoenix5


The full Update is available in PDF format.

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Breaking News: May 31, 2021

Biggest Human Shift: Massive Demostrations in London (rigorously suppressed out of the news) against all things COVID. Watch just the first part of this video to get the reality of what is happening in England.

Biggest Geophysical Shift – Quakes remain elevated but Volcanism settling down despite Etna’s dramatic fountain eruption:

I mentioned Etna here because this volcano is an awfully good harbinger or predictor of a year of active volcanism. If volcanism is going to be up during any given year, Etna is erupting, typically in fits and starts through a great many months. Etna’s 2021 already has been pretty much like that since January 2021. I think this rather dramatic fountain of lava out of the top of Etna is a sign of a lot more lava flowing in various locations on the Earth this summer

Solar Activity: - getting fritzy - 34 Sunspots, on a falling flux at 74, many flares during this past week, modest solar wind

Blue Sun (Grand Solar Minimum: - on track as a Dalton MIN,

Planetary Alignments: - NONE AT PRESENT, June 10 Mercury

ENSO by NOAA: ENSO Neutral now here, as predicted, high odds to continue through June 2021, perhaps through the summer.


Jet Stream – divergent streams forming, unstable.

Hurricane Season – Eastern Pacific – tropical storm Blanca close at a low latitude, will not impact North America, no tracks in the Atlantic.

Southwestern Weather: long drought continues, may become severe by Fall 2021

East of Rockies Weather: not tracked this week.

North American Seasonal: Weather Forecast: see in the full Bulletin

Lunar Orbital –, next New Moon is June 10, 2021

SEISMIC DRAMA – still elevated but probably becoming quieter for the next 24 days

VOLCANIC ACTIVITY: still occasional spectacular lava flows at a half dozen volcanoes around the Earth, but all in all at the moment settling down from a very active May, 21 active reports for the previous week, down 6..

Polar Axis Shift – not monitored at this time.
In The Terrestrial Frame:


The ground is changing so fast I cannot compose a “Fear & Loathing Update” post. The prospect ranges from deadly serious for millions of people to really possible catastrophic loss of life during the next 2-5 years just from the Franken-Jabs that have been given as of this week.

The pandemic we are facing is not in the COVID virus, it is in the “vaccines” which are being given. It is history’s greatest Trojan Horse con job. This pandemic is a full onslaught of a genocidal population reduction program and it is completely out of control.

BTW, advise everyone to stop talking about this as vaccines or as a vaccination program. These are not vaccines which are being given out against the so-called COVID-19, this is a WITCHES BREW of highfalutin SHIT designed to provoke a GENE MODIFICATION in your cells to produce “spikes” of proteins which attract the immune system white blood cells which then attempt to destroy the infected tissue cells. The end result may be the destruction of vital parts of your body unless countermeasures can be found. During this process, people infected by the FRANKEN-JABS begin to shed copious amounts of these so-called “spikes” which then can enter the bodies of others and attach themselves to their cells which will then attract their immune system white blood cells, and so the death toll can roll-on.

At this time the full dynamic of how this all works out is not empirically well defined or known. This is speculation based on limited profiles and theoretical projections of many well known mechanisms. The projections are literally deadly serious even if they are more speculation than a well established fact. Many scientists who are highly credentialed with very long experience in these fields of microbiology and virology are deeply deeply disturbed about the possibilities of a worldwide catastrophe involving large numbers, multi millions of deaths.

For this reason alone we really need to take this seriously and keep our eyeballs and ears tuned to any information about what is now called the ‘SPIKES” and the “shedding effect”. The Franken Genetic Modification Witches Brew called vaccines are full of billions of SPIKES which attach themselves willy nilly to your cells. They cause most of the side effects as your immune system attempts to eliminate them. These RNA spikes can be shed through your skin and breath to those around you…so that you also get caught up in this bio-warfare plague.

Worse, the Franken-Jab Witches Brew mRNA programs your cells to produce more of the SPIKES prolifically.

[I emphatically recommend using these terms rather than the “vaccine” term. That word is a highly crooked Trojan Horse trick composed by the genocide managers. No real vaccine is being administered, it does not provide immunization or protection from any disease. The best way to educate people is to shift the language we use to describe the phenomenon].

We won’t know how bad this will get until it gets bad and by then obviously it’s way too late. Unfortunately there is already considerable evidence that this process of FRANKEN-JAB INFECTION is now beginning to roll and is causing an increasing number of deaths and large numbers of side effects which are going to get worse and worse.

There really is an international war of conquest underway and the North American population is being, in effect, carpet bombed with disease.

Jimmy Walter is important information about the COVID HOAX. Via Telegram, Alice Galassi is actively sending us a lot of street level video reports and data clips about the Pandemic. Really nitty-gritty stuff, the type of stories from the man on the street which drive you nuts about this hideous zombie invasion which the Caballeros have set in motion. Contact her on Telegram so that you can get access to her witnesses, people like you and me urgently trying to share the real facts about what is going on.

…download the remainder of this Weekly Update in PDF format with charts and images at:

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