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Hold Onto Your Hats, Major Rise In Quake Activity

May 22, 2021 by MW Mandeville (Black Canyon City, Arizona)

BULLETIN ITEM: Hold Onto Your Hats, Major Rise In Quake Activity

Candle Vigil For Julian Assange
Celebrate & Support The Rise Of A Truthful Media For The Earth: If you meet a TV screen in a darkened room, vacate immediately before getting mugged by a Caballero gang. The continuing level of lying and distortion is gross. Continue to fan the flames of the radical emergence of truth in the midst of our affairs... It is clear that criminal groups are in control of important government agencies and conduct their activities in open defiance and lawlessness of principle, constitution, and the Common Law of free association

From the USGS -

From MWM:

Asia in general being hit by a lot of quake acitivity along with the northern edge of the Australian tectonic plate. Two major quakes in South China, Two Class 6 quakes in the Great Rift of the Earth (very rare) , one in the Indian Ocean, another in a triple junction of the East Pacific Rift. Major increase in tectonic activity in the Indian Ocean Great Rift.

Elsewhere, seismic activity is in the low range of average.

The prediction I made about this Full Moon coming up in three days has already been largely fulfilled, albeit slightly early. And we have at least six days to go to get past the tensors of the Full Moon in Perigee and the next Extreme Declination of the Moon.

So hold onto your hats, this episode in Earth History is just starting.

B In The Grace, The Power, & The Glory,
Michael Mandeville from the mesas of Arizona; [email protected]

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Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF

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Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...

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