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EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN, May 10, 2021 Phoenix5
by Michael Wells Mandeville, Central Arizona




Editorial Note:

Format: The full Update is available in PDF format. A short clip for the summary Breaking News is posted in text form with link(s) to the PDF through the transmission channels listed above.
Special Note For May 2021: For some reason people, including myself, are having difficulty getting automatic announcements of the Bulletins with a link to the PDF file into their email boxes. Beats me! For the next short while, you will get an email directly from my PC which contains the link. The number of enrolled subscribers is still currently small so I can easily do that for a little while. Hopefully we will get this sorted out.

When A Liberal Finally Becomes A Conservative: Truth In Humor:

Breaking News: May 10, 2021

Biggest shift – geophysical activity is slowly settling down but a surprise surge in Sunspots and Iceland volcanism is how the most active zone on Earth

Solar Activity: - 18 Sunspots, rising flux at 73, 3 flares, but slow solar wind

Blue Sun (Grand Solar Minimum: - on track as a Dalton MIN, the output of the Sun may now be returning to flat line for the next threef weeks.

Planetary Alignments: - NONE AT PRESENT

ENSO by NOAA: weak La Nina is dissolving, 80% odds ENSO Neutral begins in May 2021

Jet Stream – much more organized than in weeks past

Hurricane Season – Starts in a week for the Eastern Pacific

Southwestern Weather: long drought continues, may become severe by Fall 2021

North American Seasonal: Weather Forecast: see in the full Bulletin

Lunar Orbital – New Moon in Apogee, May 11/12, 2021, not connected to an Extreme Declination

SEISMIC DRAMA – running about average range

VOLCANIC ACTIVITY: - volcanic activity remains elevated but has leveled off. Iceland and Hawaii remain the most active current eruptions.

Polar Axis Shift – not monitored at this time.

In The Terrestrial Frame:

See the latest “Fear & Loathing Update” post at our sites
Jimmy Walter is posting nearly daily every scrap of important information about the COVID HOAX.

There is such a blizzard of news and disclosures, which seem to escalate daily, I cannot catch my breath on this overview: I am working on a Long View about our collective mudpuddle . Hard to see what’s in it. Is everything now critical? Is the invasion on many fronts impossible for us to overcome? What to do?

At the moment the best advice I can give is that we are entering now into a period of the darkest time in my living memory. For those close to my age, I am sure you agree. For those single adults living in retirement, you need to find some groups, partners, associations, and/or relationships which act like families and clans and enable you to overcome your isolation. Isolated individuals WILL NOT FARE WELL during the next few years.

Big families based on love of God, life, and helping each other are the generic keys to transmuting this wicked age.

May-July – U.S. - setting the stage for a crescendo of mass conflict activity during the last four months of 2021; Europe - anarchy and flames in France.

August – the typical transition month

September – December; attempt to lockdown the remainder of North America, people who have been Franken-jabbed will begin to exhibit increasingly serious health issues in significant numbers; a fake ET invasion or a fake ET existential threat will be trotted out on the media stages to replace the completely worthless Franken propaganda. The drums of war will beat very loudly.

…download the remainder of this Weekly Update in PDF format with charts and images at:

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Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF

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Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...

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