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EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN, April 12, 2021 Phoenix5
by Michael Wells Mandeville, Central Arizona
Item: : EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN WEEKLY UPDATE, April 12, 2021 by Phoenix5



Breaking News:

Solar Activity: - zip

Blue Sun (Grand Solar Minimum: - on track as a Dalton MIN

Planetary Alignments: -

ENSO by NOAA: weak La Nina is dissolving, 80% odds ENSO Neutral begins in May 2021

Jet Stream – quite disorganized

Lunar Orbital – New Moon in Apogee today/tomorrow

SEISMIC DRAMA – activity is elevated and will surge higher during the next 2 Full Moons

VOLCANIC ACTIVITY: - dramatic volcanic season is underway – Etna, Kilauea, Reykjanes Penin very active along with 23 others

Polar Axis Shift – no info this week

In The Terrestrial Frame:

See the latest “Fear & Loathing Update” post at our sites
Jimmy Walter is posting nearly daily every scrap of important information about the COVID HOAX.

In The Cosmic Frame ---

The Blue Sun
For more information go to
Check out the Solar Almanac 2001. Buy a copy for peanuts and help us keep churning out these advisories.

THE BLUE SUN 2020-2030 IN SUN CYCLE 25: Could be less disruptive than many fear. Solar Cycle 25 may be a slow period of transition to a cold climate on a flatline Sun. Solar Activity may fluctuate enough to sustain a solar sunspot average below 80, perhaps just below 60 during this initial phase of the Grand Solar Minimum. Regardless, major impacts are coming on all aspects of human culture and economics.

It is certain that Sun Cycle 25 has begun. It came later than the models predicted, but it is less absent than some have thought.
Blue Sun currently appears to parallel the Dalton Minimum Sunspot Cycles. The average monthly sunspot peak just barely scraped 80 sunspots during both Dalton Sunspot Cycles. The most recent past Sunspot Cycle (#24) reached an average monthly peak at about 120 for a very brief time but most of the high readings for the last cycle were under 100.

Even if the monthly average during the next Sunspot Peak period occassionaly reaches 80, it will be on average only two thirds or so the peak output of Solar Cycle 24. That is probably the optimistic projection……..but even with that, High Latitude agriculture (every thing above Lat.45) is going to be seriously affected, thus imposing major changes.

Current Solar Activity:

As of April 12, 2021, the Sunspot Count is zip as it has been all last week with very slow solar wind speed on a falling Flux of 73 and no flares. This is not typical of solar activity when the Sun is several months into an active climb from out of the Solar Min.

Average monthly activity during March 2021 was in the range of about 12-14 Sunspots with activity occurring almost every day in a Flux of around 75. . But for the past week (six days) activity has been zero as the Flux slowly sinks.

Solar cycle 25 has clearly begun but it’s activity could sink substantially from the levels of November/December 2020.

Solar Cycle 25 is now once again fast asleep beneath the blankets of a placid solar surface. Take a peek at the PEAK in this chart. The last energetic increase in solar activity occurred during October-November 2020. This was also the time of the tightest alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in their 20 year repeat “affair”, proving rather elegantly how the planetary alignments impact Solar Activity. Being by far and then some the two largest planets in the Solar System, they should have the greatest influence…right? Well, you can clearly see it here.

Reflection on this chart suggests that activity in Solar Cycle 25 could drop on average below 60 sunspots/month during the upcoming 11 year MAX in the next several years. This prospect is very much in play which leaves us on pins and needles watching this ALL IMPORTANT trend line.

If solar activity freezes up and lies close to this level, everything on Earth will become unstable with unexpected major changes occurring everywhere, constantly. Both Gaia and human cultures will undergo major changes which will more or less become permanent for a hundred years or more.

Meanwhile Bill Gates has been grifted by the Global Warming fakers into believing that he needs to show how to cool the planet with a vast chemtrails program. What he doesn’t know is that the “test” he Is financing for them, cannot FAIL. The Earth will be losing heat all year as the oceans continue to shed the heat they stored from the previous activity of past Solar Cycles. The grifters also know this. They know the tests cannot fail because the planet is cooling off during a long period of low solar activity. They will laugh all the way to the banks to deposit their high salaries and assorted industry spifs.

Heliotropic projection, this is astronomy, not astrology
Projections made by Home Planet (freeware); the software display on computer screens often creates a date error rate of a day or so if you nare using something other than Universal Time.

Mercury just passed by Neptune’s longitude and is speeding to a rendezvous with Venus and Uranus in a close straight line three planet alignment on April 20/21, 2021

Typically during an active phase, this would excite considerable activity in the Sun’s surface. But it is impossible to make a call on this one at this time. There was a three day 11 Sunspot blip in solar activity which began eight days before the Mercury/Neptune connection, which is well within the typical lead of sunspot spikes of up to a week before planetary alignments. This suggests we can reasonably expect to see a short, small rise in activity within at most a few days.

ENSO by NOAA: “La Niña conditions are present”

Looks like a La Nina Fall 2020 to Spring 2021: dry and relatively warm while other areas get radically cold.

Jet Stream –,81.60,289

The Jet Stream is broken into distinct scattered segments, many streams expanded in width with flow down into low lattitudes, some scattered minor counter flows. Looks like a very unstable, shifty morass.,8.11,289

Most of the flow through N.A. is across the entire country, over the Pacific it does a zigzag to over more of the Pacific.

Overall, looks part El Ninoish, part La Ninaish. Scattered influences, for sure.

Average Sea Temperature & Anomalies:

This week we are seeing the lowest amount of temperature anomalies in 20 years. This means the surfaces of most of the oceans are at close to their statistical averages. This should mean that the ENSO cycle is now in neutral phase. Let’s see what NOAA has to say about that:

NOAA’S ENSO Alert System Status:
“La Niña Advisory - La Niña is present.*Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are below average from the west-central to eastern Pacific Ocean. The tropical atmospheric circulation is consistent with La Niña. A transition from La Niña to ENSO-Neutral is likely in the next month or so, with an 80% chance of ENSO-neutral during May-July 2021.”

All true, except that the amount of coldness in the water on the Equator is very small – a half degree maybe – trending toward white (neutral) on the charts.

Climate In The Pacific Southwest Under A Blue Sun:

Day temperatures for the next several days in Central Arizona are estimated to be in the 80s, with night lows to be in the 60s. Sadly no rain in sight.

A long term drought period continues and seems to be a major change in a distinct seasonal pattern. This pattern may be a Dalton/Maunder Minimum pattern for the Pacific Southwest. Winter is starting later, does not freeze (may a few days of 32-30 degree weather), remains mostly dry with only two or three rainstorms lasting not much more than a day, warms uo quickly after the Spring Equinox with no rain, and bakes the Southwest during the Summer month with an extremely parched monsoon season composed of scattered showers which collectively dump only a couple inches of rain over July and August. September – December cools but does not rain.

The Pacific Southwest has had three of these and we are most likely headed for a fourth. I see no relief in sight and suspect rather strongly this is the Grand Solar Minimum syndrome for this region. I guess this because the Pueblo Anasazi culture which was flourishing widely in the Southest disappeared during the Maunder Minimum era. No one knows why but I think the reason is obvious. It dried up. The Anasazi people were farmers…and no longer could. So they moved, probably South.

Polar Sea Ice - Virtually reflecting last year (2020)

Arctic: the extent of the ice is normalizing within the framework of the averages of the last 10 years but the water still remains a little warmer and the sea ice not quite as expansive as the long term average.

Antarctic: the freeze around Antarctica is now exceeding much of the last 40 years for this time of year. This is the second year in a row of the acceleration of ice formation down South.

differences in timing of UTC and local time occasionally make the chart dates different by one day, to double check the date for your area, click on the Almanac link just below the Scroll Chart.

The Moon today is in its New Moon Phase of April 12, 2021 approaching Apogee in two days positioned nearly over the Equator.

This is a very weak Syzygy, expect little Tectonic response.

The Moon is headed to an Extreme Northern Declination on April 18/19, 2021 as it heads towards its next Full Moon Phase on April 26, 2021.

Next Full Moon: April 26, 2026: 8:31 pm (UTC -7)

WATCH OUT FOR THIS FULL MOON. Perigee and Full Moon Phase are separated by only a few hours. Maximum extreme torque for the year here with the Extreme Northern Declination separated by just six days.

The May Full Moon will be similar, giving us two Full Moons with the greatest tectonic activity of the year.

(generalization are for Class 4+ magnitude)

Earthquake activity during is running close to the long term averages. These averages were greater than have been recorded during the past several years. The difference is not huge but it is very clear. For instance Class 6+ quakes ran at a rate of about one per 2.5 days. For the first 12 days of April, seven have been recorded, thus producing about one quake every 1.7 days.
The IRIS Map Display is rarely this full. It was even more full a week ago.
Only rarely is there so much quake activity on the Western Coast of North America in a two week window of time.
This current acceleration began, as I predicted early in 2020, during the last few months of 2020 as result of orbital relationships of the Sun-Earth-Moon system.
The orbital reasons for the acceleration of quake activity have passed. So the current surge in seismic activity is outside what I currently know about the vortex model.
Whatever, I am predicting now that not much surge will be detected for this New Moon but that major surges will come during the next Full Moon Syzygies. (April 26 and May 25)
Volcanism: Activity up this past three weeks or so.
The Smithsonian Volcano Institute reports on 23 active eruptions for the proceeding week, six of which are new as of last week. The reports this week detail a dramatic beginning of Volcano Season 2021.
The primary harbinger “canary”, ETNA, began erupting in February and is generating through several vents and craters virtually daily shows of lava emissions, Strombolian explosions, ash and steam clouds or plumes plumes, accompanied of course by noise and minor explosive quaking,
A great many of the 23 reports also describe lava, ash, and strombolian emissions involved with serious sporadic eruptions.
Not least, Kilauea is active again, busy at the moment with refilling a lava lake in her crater. On the other side of the Earth, the Reykjanes Peninsula on the southern end of Iceland is rifting again quite seriously with a variety of volcanic phenomenon, including lava flow and ash/gas plumes.
I suspect that this activity will continue to accelerate during the next 60 days to even greater levels.
Spin Axis Drift

The international system is displaying the wrong graph for this variable. We will wait for them to correct their error.
Tha, tha, tha’s all Folks
Be In the Grace, the Power, & the Glory

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