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Earthquakes: Average Activity Up Over The Past Few years

EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN, April 5, 2021 Phoenix5
by Michael Wells Mandeville, Central Arizona
Item: Earthquakes: Average Activity Up Over The Past Few years
(generalizations are for Class 4+ magnitude, generally quakes under 4.0 magnitude are ignored)

Activity on the IRIS chart was not displayed probably partly because IRIS is in California and they were most likely overwhelmed by processing data.
Earthquake activity during March once again is running close to the long term averages.

I have not seen the IRIS Map Display so full in years. There were ten Class 6+ Quakes during the past 31 days, pegging those very close to the 2.5 long term average established in the late 1990’s

Thus there seems to be a mild acceleration over the early part of 2020 and throughout 1919. This current acceleration began, as I predicted early in 2020, during the last few months of 2020 as result of orbital relationships of the Sun-Earth-Moon system.

Quake activity in Southern California (Inglewood) today is a part of the acceleration of pace.

Notice in this chart below the broad tectonic movement in California along the San Andreas Fault system (blue line) and along the backbone of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Uplift. This is a composite of 800 quakes ranging in size from about magnitude 2 though magnitude 3.9. Very few of these quakes are felt by humans.

This was definitely brought by an Extreme Southern Declination, which also occurred today. These both follow a Full Moon by six days and a close Perigee by five days.

Watch out for the next two Full Moons. The acceleration trend will still be increasing into June 2021.

Be in the Grace, the Power, and the Glory,
Michael Wells Mandeville, [email protected]

IRIS Earthquake Browser - Within 10 deg of Lat 40, Lon -125

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