Phoenix5 EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN, April 3, 2021
by Michael Wells Mandeville, Central Arizona
Item: “The Smoking Canons at John Hopkins University”
Our current Pandemic details and events were mostly scripted in 2017 by John Hopkins University. These were scripted as the follow-up to the formation of the “Good Billionaires Club” in 2010 (Gates, Soros, & others) which was organized to take up the task of implementing the “lock-down” strategy which was published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010.
How to achieve the twin objectives of major population reduction and systematic dissolution of the industrial economy.
1.5 HOUR VIDEO GOES POINT BY POINT THROUGH THE MAJOR DETAILS, Alex Jones at his best with two of his best researchers guiding the discussion.
EMERGENCY SATURDAY BROADCAST: World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document
April 3rd 2021, 6:00 pm
Here is a John Hopkins summary outline of the proposed criminal enterprise
Properly presented, here is the basis of legal and legislative action as well as EO’s by Governors.
We must do this because, THEY WILL KILL US IF WE DO NOT.
also posted at
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 31, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
The long expected Singularity (a time which engages all of humanity in sudden transformative change)…
…has begun.
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 24, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
"The non vaccinated will save humanity"
From French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor,
Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology
and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020
Pour your favorite beverage and take another few minutes to let that float around in your mind gathering up some of the implications for our futures.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, and hard data about all levels of the Covid Scamdemic is exceptional. The subscribers there are on top of the scene. You could write...
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 17, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
Montagnier: "The non vaccinated will save humanity"
Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon – still working on data verifications. But here is an urgent note:
From Milan, Italy, this past January 15th, 2022: French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020) got a well deserved welcome on his arrival at today’s protest in Milan.
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...