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PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of December 20, 2021
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF

AS REPORTED LAST WEEK: Spike Fighter is coming very soon. I am heavily focused on completing my material on how everyone can escape the pandemics and infectious diseases. This is now summarized under the title Silver Mist. This will take several weeks yet. The Dossier is massive. In the meantime, I am putting together a short summary called “Spike Fighter”. It is a breakout chapter from the Silver Mist Dossier. It provides a summary of all the proven main “protocols” now being used to defeat all the various forms of the pandemic, ranging from corona viruses to the SARS COV 2 virus and its now notorious Spike disease which is given through the Franken-Jabs and which may be acquired from this shedding process. Is designed to be a useful reference for anybody who thinks they are getting the sniffles, or just plain weird in that weird way, on the way to a cold, or the flu, or COVID of any strain including the Moronic Omicron (this year’s Flu) . Watch for announcements about it so that you can acquire a copy.

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Supporters, I thank you so very much for interacting with me and sharing your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at
The sharing of information through our gathering and assessments is very good with astute timely captures of what is happening worldwide. It is like we are creating our own newspaper. My actual direct sharing is tiny compared with what is coming in from subscribers and a few other select channels.
Everything coming in is being brought by the heart and spirit of humanity trying to talk to each of us. It keeps me going on my own quest with much greater strength, assurance, and knowing data points. Ditto, I hope, for most of us. WE are evolving human intelligence for humanity, it is happening at breakneck speed, and we might just keep the lights on despite the best efforts of the crooks to steal it away. This has become an awesome live action adventure story with a cliff hanger plotline keeping us all on the edges of our seats wondering about everything from moment to moment.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR KEEPING THE FAITH OF PERSEVERANCE. It may not win but it is the only thing which CAN win against the titanic psychopathic forces which are rising up all around us to reduce us to the level of swine.

May I recommend taking a major meditation break for the Winter Solstice?
Winter Solstice - The Winter of 2021-2022
Start (December Solstice)
December 21, 2021; 8:59 am (UTC-7)
Winter Duration: 88 days, 23 hrs, 34 mins

This moment is the shortest day of the year and marks the maximum full tilt of the Earth’s North Spin Axis away from the Sun, exposing the North to longer period of night time. This makes winter colder in the North than it would otherwise be and Summer warmer in the Southern Hemisphere than it would otherwise be.
Highly recommended: join in the various Solstice meditations and prayer groups to bid 2021 a hasty disappearance and a braver, more confident 2022 to emerge and overcome ignorance everywhere. Think peace, love, and harmonic convergence, with wacky extremes vaporizing into oblivion.

Be in the Grace, the Power, and the Glory. Definitely have a very Merry Christmas looking forward to a mind blowing 2022 which uplifts rather than pulls down. Sure, there will some scary moments. That just keeps the sense of adventure alive.

For remainder of Update, click on the URLS at the top of this posting.

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PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 31, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
The long expected Singularity (a time which engages all of humanity in sudden transformative change)…
…has begun.

PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 24, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF

"The non vaccinated will save humanity"
From French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor,
Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology
and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020
Pour your favorite beverage and take another few minutes to let that float around in your mind gathering up some of the implications for our futures.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, and hard data about all levels of the Covid Scamdemic is exceptional. The subscribers there are on top of the scene. You could write...

PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 17, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF

Montagnier: "The non vaccinated will save humanity"

Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.

Spike Fighter is coming very soon – still working on data verifications. But here is an urgent note:

From Milan, Italy, this past January 15th, 2022: French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020) got a well deserved welcome on his arrival at today’s protest in Milan.

Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...

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