PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN: Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of October 25, 2021
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Hear the ever rising tide of the worldwide anthem…
continue on…..Rage, rage, rage against the dying of freedom…
Big shifts in the terrestrial environment continue. La Nina IS definitely here but Pacific Weather patterns are still in a period of adjustment to the new atmospheric dynamics. Speaking of which, the atmosphere is shoving huge amounts of water into the Pacific North American Coast bringing snow to the tops of the mountains (there are a lot of them) through to the Rockies. Every day feels more and more “early onset” to Winter. Sunspots began a new rise for the next Planetary Alignment on November 3, 2021 and these may contribute to stabilizing a new Jetstream pattern for the approaching winter.
Meanwhile, hurricane season seems to have had an early death, no doubt greatly appreciated by a large number of people. And in general tectonic activity is slowing to a crawl, seismic activity is in about the lowest side of its general average range and volcanism is headed to the same exit. The only activity of note is the continuing eruption at La Palma. Iceland is dead, Kilauea is at a very low level, and some 20 other purportedly active volcanoes are barely pumping out some ash and gas sporadically.
So the Earth is slowing down while the atmosphere speeds up the weather and the Sun just barely bounces around with sporadic low level sunspot activity.
But not so much the human environment. Things are speeding up to move everything into a vast historical tumult of chaos amidst agonizing passions. The great and terrible wizard of EUNWO has ginned up his vast boogieman machine into a frightening din caused by the tramping of hordes of absurdities rushing about and tripping over each with such preposterous flailing that not a soul trapped in the midst remains in sufficient composure to understand the way to the nearest exit. The fascist-freak mandates are rapidly ripping up the American social contract and institutional fabric while pulling apart longstanding alliances of mutual self-interest. Industry by industry, professional association by association, religious group by group, governmental institution by institution, all are now beginning free falling into dysfunction, all stalemated against the all. All about, all the nations are reeling in Great Tribulation.
And so it crumbles, this vast machine of Urizen. Canada’s police are formally telling everyone they are ready to throw in the towel, England’s science bureaucracy is admitting that the boogieman is a cheap fake, 10,000, or is it 30,000 medical practictioners are fleeing the palaces, L.A., N.Y. and Florida cops are admitting, enough is a enough, and transportation workers…the longshoremen, the truckers, the warehousemen, the rail engineers …throw down their collective gauntlet. Shut it down.
Meanwhile, an architect of the growing oblivion, Anthony Fauci, the highest paid Federal Bureaucrat, sits in his Washington DC suites and admires his work in arranging a “research project” in a foreign land. He has arranged to sling hundreds of beagle puppies in small cages with severed vocal cords to silence their desperate begging for help. The researchers he has funded confine the heads of the puppies into a sealed structure where they are fed a poisonous substance and then are given to a colony of sand flees where they slowly eat the flesh on the heads of the Beagles and breed until their maggots can find their way up the noses into the brains which they consume. All this to test out the efficacy of some chemical?
Do you think the coming out of this at this time is a coincidence? Have you wondered, how is all this Pandemic fascist-freakery possible? God puts the answer before your eyes. As Fauci thinks of the Beagles, so Fauci thinks of the Humans who are destroyed by his experimental Jabs. In his self-absorbed style of disregard for the lives of actual beings, he signals the depth of his psychotic lunacy.
In the old days of the old West where cops were in short supply, sheriffs would occasionally get the local community to gather a reward fund to capture thieves and murderers. They would then send out posters to several towns in the territory which included the picture and offense of the criminal.
It was often captioned with “Wanted – Dead or Alive”.
Time is up, says the transportation industry workers:
The Full Update is available in PDF format.
BULLETIN ITEM: Earth-Changes-Bulletin-Weekly-Update-As-Of-October-25-2021.pdf
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 31, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
The long expected Singularity (a time which engages all of humanity in sudden transformative change)…
…has begun.
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 24, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
"The non vaccinated will save humanity"
From French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor,
Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology
and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020
Pour your favorite beverage and take another few minutes to let that float around in your mind gathering up some of the implications for our futures.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, and hard data about all levels of the Covid Scamdemic is exceptional. The subscribers there are on top of the scene. You could write...
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 17, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
Montagnier: "The non vaccinated will save humanity"
Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon – still working on data verifications. But here is an urgent note:
From Milan, Italy, this past January 15th, 2022: French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020) got a well deserved welcome on his arrival at today’s protest in Milan.
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...