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PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN: Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of October 18, 2021
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)

Hear the ever rising tide of the worldwide anthem…

continue on…..Rage, rage, rage against the dying of freedom…

Meanwhile, big shifts in the terrestrial environment are underway. La Nina IS here. The Jetstream is half chaotic, half highly linear, something weird is happening. The Sun in Solar Cycle 25 is definitely unstable beyond the normal range, sunspots yesterday at ZERO. A Dalton MIN Blue Sun turning to a Maunder MIN after 2030 is now a strong probability, more than just a prediction. Weather is a bouncing beach ball of sudden shifts, and the Pacific Southwest is having another early Winter onset. So are many other areas.

The Full Update is available in PDF format.

BULLETIN ITEM: Earth-Changes-Bulletin-Weekly-Update-As-Of-October-18-2021.pdf

Well its lawsuits here

And Lawsuits there

Lawsuits Everywhere, lawsuits, lawsuits

Old Man Cabal has a farm

E I, E I, OOooooo

Well its mediamen here

And Mediamen there

Mediamen Everywhere, Quack, Quack Quakin’

Old Man Cabal has a farm,

E I, E I , OOooooo

Slowly a vast realization and realignment of powers is merging. The cracking and crumbling of the old order is now so pronounced it is impossible to summarize with my one man horse power even though many people are sending me clips and leads and various links to stuff which I can’t cover on a regular basis. Thank you everyone for sending those, I do look at a lot of your stuff even if I don’t mention it. Currently the largest fault lines are between (a) incompetent corporate fools and their employees, and (b) between the commercial (bought and sold) politicians and the large mass of individuals in the huge civil bureaucracies who are suddenly realizing that boogieman Covid is not nearly as frightening as boogieman Franken-Jab.

In this current moment which will probably persist for much of the rest of this year you’re going to see a vast stalemate between those who want to jab everyone at all costs and those civil servants and corporate employees who refuse to be jabbed at all costs. They are fighting it out primarily in the judicial system. The heft and weight of this sociological phenomenon is truly a wonder to behold and as it realigns individuals and loyalties and predilections, a vast change is beginning to occur in institutional alignments. The lawyer class and the judicial class are being pulled inexorably out of the headspace and fantasies of the Cabal into a renewed alignment with facts, common sense, and the basis of consensus which lies in and around and about the principles in the Constitution of the US.

It is this realignment which will greatly add to the social momentum to seriously push out the globalist reign of terror and their completely crooked, lying agenda of pie in the sky, Lucy with Diamonds blabberquacky.

During this judicial melee with lawsuits piled upon lawsuits, demonstrations around the world continue to advance and orient people toward the realization that the globalist armchair conspiracy of fake punditry has no truth, no vision, can’t deliver squat, and in fact, have no intention of doing so except for their families and favorite friends and associates.

This deeper truth probably will take the next 20 years to fully realign a major part of human sociology into truly sustainable relationships.

Not that any of our problems require that much time to solve. Looking at the world from a purely engineering point of view, there is no single problem out there that can’t be solved within approximately 5 years. Or, at least, the critical phase of necessity can be solved within that frame time. For the long term the real issue before humanity is: can a fact-based world of engineering creativity emerge to take up enough economic power to actually solve problems in the real world for real (people) clients to supplant the power fantasies of corporate clients?

Hell yeah, why not, it’s a simple switch of orientation and purpose.

So Hell Yes,

continue on…..Rage, Rage, Rage against the dying of freedom…

… Make freedom the final frontier.

… Make freedom the primary issue in all questions.

Breaking News: October 18, 2021

Ivermectin (Duramectin –Horse Paste); Last week I took my 3rd and final dose of ivermectin for October. I will follow-up in November with another single dose. I think for the next week I am going to test the effects of Quercetin.


Quakes (considering class 4+ only): Seismic activity has been running about average in frequency this past week, with some daily lows on the deep low side of average.. Class 6 activity surged modestly for the Extreme Southern Declination of October 12/13, 2021. In general, quakes were widely scattered in all the usual places, including in the Big Island of Hawaii and in the Sierra uplift between California and Nevada.

There likely will be a modest uptick in seismic activity during the next 4 days as a response to the Full Moon of October 20/21, 2021.

Volcanism: activity has fallen off dramatically

In general, world volcanism (as reported by the latest report of the Smithsonian Volcano program as of October 12, 2021) has lessened substantially only 14 reports are listed, down 8 from the previous week. Very little ash and gas emmissions with very small scale explosions at most of them. The spectacular eruption at La Palma remains vigorous but activity at Kilauea has dropped to about zero. Small periodic flows of lava continued on at Merapi, but there was no new report at Krysuvik… on Iceland. Likely activity continues there but at such a lazy rate that the reporters got lazy.

It is entirely possible that the eruption at La Palma could continue for several months or even for several years. It could mimic the behavior of Kilauea which continued the flow of lava into the Pacific Ocean for decades…or of Merapi or Fuego, both long term eruptors producing many fits and starts during the year.

Solar Activity: Solar Activity has dropped to a count of zero Sunspots as of October 16, 2021 on a falling Flux of 77 accompanied by no flares and a very modest solar wind speed. The previous 2 days of Solar Activity dropped to 11 from a plateau in the low 30s.

As we can see, and I take special note here, this is a pretty unstable Solar Sunspot Cycle. This drop of activity came just after the period of elevated Solar Activity during the planetary alignments in early October which were produced by the fast-moving Mercury. Particularly indicative of future activity was the alignment several days ago between Mercury and Earth. Generally these alignments have produced great surges in solar activity with the exception of alignments during the Solar Min Phase. This alignment this time produced only a very small surge, even if considered relative to the low baseline of current solar activity.

Generally, a drop in the solar sunspot counts down to zero is highly unlikely at this point in a regular solar cycle. So the beach ball bounce down to zero is behavior which is significant.

The take away of this is I am very pessimistic on Solar Cycle 25. I believe we are definitely in a Dalton Solar MIN era as has been predicted by several major scientists in the previous decade, which makes their prediction protocols greatly credible. Even NOAA has thrown in the towel on their own predictors and models and is pessimistically now forecasting a period of unusually low solar activity.

I believe we are now in a moment of time when Solar Activity is on the average climbing higher towards a Max phase but this experience with the Mercury alignment suggests this is going to be a slumpy kinda climb. It confirms that it is highly probable that we are facing a Dalton Minimum in the long solar cycle which is measured in hundreds of years.

Average (and smoothed on a 12 month base) Solar Activity: October’s smoothed average count will be below the predictions from one dimensional statistical models.

So settle in for a long cool period (at least 4 decades) in the climate punctuated by unstable climate weather conditions which defy everyone’s explanations and predictions. Unfortunately this problem is most likely greatly accentuated by sneaky, and what some people consider criminal, weather modification experiments.

ENSO CYCLE by NOAA: major upgrade!!!!

“ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Advisory
La Niña conditions have developed.
Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are below average across the
central and east-central Pacific Ocean.
The tropical Pacific atmosphere is consistent with La Niña conditions.
La Niña is expected to continue with an 87% chance in December 2021-
February 2022.

Planetary Alignments:

(heliotropic gravity vectors)

Solar Activity during Fall 2021 should produce a lot of bobbing up and down of the Sunspot Count, averaging about one bob up or down every week, each surge occurring a few days to a week before one of the alignments, typically caused by the fast-moving Mercury passing through the longitudes of the positions of other planets. The heaviest outer planets are all within very nearly 1 quadrant of the solar system.

Most likely the greatest surges in solar activity will occur during the last week of December and the first week of January and in synchronicity with the bunching of the inner planets

September 28, 2021: Mercury aligns Jupiter,

Double-Header Feast: (plus or -2°)

October 5, 2021: Mercury aligns Neptune, Venus aligns Saturn

October 8, 2021: Mercury aligns Earth, Venus almost aligns Jupiter

October 13, 2021: Mercury aligns Uranus, Venus aligns Jupiter

October 28, 2021: Venus aligns Neptune, Earth almost aligns Uranus

November 3, 2021: Earth align Uranus

November 20, 2021: Mercury aligns Mars

November 28, 2021: Venus aligns Uranus

December 21, 2021: Mercury aligned Saturn

December 28, 2021: Mercury aligns Jupiter: Venus almost aligns Earth

December 31, 2021: Venus aligns Neptune

Another double-header:

January 11, 2022: Mercury aligns Uranus, Venus aligns Earth

Blue Sun: Grand Solar Minimum - on track as a Dalton MIN through to 2030.

Sea Surface Temperature on the Pacific Equator: The chill down of the Pacific Equator is now dramatically obvious. La Nina is here.


Jetstream: Unfortunately the Earth Systems people are not allowing full color downloads of their modeling of the Jetstream data. All I can get is this black and white trace which is difficult to interpret if you are not used to it. If you can do it and it is still October 18/19, 2021,go look at the dynamic color model at,98.01,289

The main point of this is simple. You are looking at the Earth from the perspective of hovering over the North Pole at quite a distance. The outer edge is theoretically the Equator or very close to it. The upper half of this is Eurasia and you can see that the wind flow traces are pretty linear in a sweep across Asia in a nearly horizontal line with no real disturbances. They left half of this is the vast Pacific Ocean and the same can be said for the Jetstream after making a fairly sharp pivot as Asia gives way to the ocean. Yawhn. Nothing to see there so let’s move on. It starts to get really interesting at the left bottom where the Jetstream sharply pivots and forms a kind of curly cue just to the west of the Haida Gwaii Islands. If you look carefully at the outlines of the landmass, you’ll see Alaska and it’s great neck reaching up out of North America kind of almost looking like a fist. Hanging off the bottom of Alaska, pointing straight out to sea from the great neck is a “hole” in the flow of the air. No wind is flowing through it, only around it. In other words it’s like a brick wall which deflects the Jetstream and sends it further south until it can flow around the brick wall and resume its course by bending back up to the north. Thereafter the jetstream displays a classic La Niña pattern of fairly sharp bends as the air flow undulates up and down over North America and into the Atlantic.

What’s so unusual about that? It’s not so usual! I don’t know what it is but this is one strange looking chart, half the Earth’s Jetstream flow is quite linear and stable the other half is chaotic. Why? I don’t have a clue. All I know is you don’t see this as regular fare. More usual is that if the Jetstream is going to be really choppy somewhere, the whole thing is chopped up looking like a spaghetti bowl. I’m making special note of this because I think it is prime evidence of some major thing going on. I just don’t have a clue as to what it is..

Hurricane Season - suddenly over?

The Atlantic: nada

The East Pacific: nada

The Central Pacific: nada

Southwestern Weather: rain came again but none is forecast for this week.. Projected highs low 70s to high 80s all this coming week with lows in the low 50s and but more generally around the 60’s.

Lunar Orbital Chart – not incorporated this week, go here to view

Moon has passed extreme Southern declination and is nearly in its Full Moon station.

Next Full Moon: October 20, 2021: 7:56 am (UTC -7) Hunter's Moon

North Pole Sea Ice: Normalizing rapidly – refreeze is well underway

South Pole Sea Ice: Still at all time record levels

Polar Axis Shift – not monitored at this time.

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The Latest Issue (September October 18, 2021)


I am heavily focused on completing my material on how everyone can escape the pandemics and infectious diseases which is now summarized under the title Silver Mist.

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by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF

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Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.

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Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...

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