PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN: Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of October 4, 2021
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Candle Vigil For Julian Assange - It is clear that criminal groups are in control of important government agencies and conduct their activities in open defiance and lawlessness of principle, constitution, and the Common Law of free association. Their prime strategy of rule is SECRECY and ruthless suppression of any one exposing their manipulations. Julian Assange is the most notable victim of their rule, but there are literally uncountable numbers of victims.
For better formatted copy, download the PDF file. It is very readable.
BULLETIN ITEM: The Full Update is available in PDF format. Earth-Changes-Bulletin-Weekly-Update-As-Of-October-4-2021.pdf'
Hear the ever rising tide of the worldwide anthem….
continue on…..Rage, rage, rage against the dying of freedom…
Breaking News: October 4, 2021
The flood of news about attacks, counter-attacks, rollbacks and wins, decrees and advances, all logistics spiraling into oblivion while New World Order corps purge their ranks of free thinkers and then rush to hire replacement serfs, POLARIZATION DRAMATICALLY INCREASING IN MANY PLACES AND LANDS as a multi-dimensional melee breaks all bounds and constraints, the times are no longer a changing, the times have changed and the chimes of freedom are lost in the din. The advent of a Great War has been acclaimed by those raging against the dying of freedom.
And so this past few days the Quisling Party which has imposed the Fascist Occupation Government in Australia has stepped up to the challenges of those who rage Freedom in Australia. Some 1200 police personnel have been summarily fired for refusing to commit suicide-by-jab.
Just in time. How can we but marvel at the perfection of this act for advancing the fire of Freedom. The rebellion in Australia now has a wonderful opportunity to harvest many highly trained people who know the insides of how the security forces in Australia operate, WHERE THE ARMAMENTS ARE, and how much, how to operate the security equipment, especially the drones and helicopters…..get the pix?
The politicians in Australia who form the network of the Fascist Occupation have got to be among the stupidest people on their island continent. I mean that literally. They may be able to sound articulate, but they cannot handle concepts. They are oblivious to what they are doing.
The trajectory at this time in Australia is lurching toward a sudden dramatic forceful coup. Perhaps within 90 days, certainly no later than 180 days. It will be high summer in Australia. Forest fire season will be upon them, the fires of internal viral inflammation will be burning within millions of jabbed Aussies, supply chains will be incoherent, A very bad time for all but the usual ruling cliques. But I hunch that the coup will occur sooner than later in this scenario. Knowing that 70% of the general public in Australia will support a dramatic change, 1200 armed men who are knowledgeable about the armaments and machinery, and operating guerilla style in platoons, could take down the Fascist Occupation (FO) in Australia within a few days.
While the FO in Australia fuels the fires of Freedom in OZ, Biden’s Puppeteers are ramping a similarly stupid move in the U.S. They are edging to lock down something, anything, to move their FO into greater power over the U.S. The newest project appears to be locking down the states. Travel across borders will be disallowed unless you are in the process of committing suicide-by-jab. They think.
What a splendid move to radically ramp up polarization on N.A. Close to 2/3 of the states will proclaim their power “to nullify” a Federal action on matters which are clearly delegated only to the individual states. These of course will include the great plains and mountainous Western States. The Biden puppet will be proclaimed as the greatest turd in American history. Oh excuse me, he already is.
And the rest of those wanting to rage for Freedom will suddenly find a new commitment to their inner religion and sanctify their exemption from travel requirements with their proclamations of Sacred Spiritual Commandments to travel to all places to preach the gospel of Freedom.
IVERMECTIN: The dose I took last week served me well. My intestinal health seems better than ever. I will take another dose tomorrow. I note with great amusement that Pfizer has decided to supplement their Franken jabs, which do not work to prevent disease, with something that actually does. They intend to compound their own version of Ivermectin and sell it as a therapeutic agent in the form of 2 pills you take daily to actually combat the disease which their fake jabs do not. It has a perfectly horrible name which I cannot remember. They are about to or already have filed for FDA approval as an emergency authorization. With this pill, they’ll be able, I suppose, to pose as saviors, preventing naïve people from thinking them as genocide agents. Very clever, very competitive.
Quakes: Seismic activity has been running about average in frequency during the past few days. The activity is widely scattered through all the typical zones. Magnitude however is below average for Class 6+ quakes.
Volcanism: activity tapering except at La Palma in the Canary Islands:
In general, world volcanism is settling down as of September 28, 2021 (the latest report of the Smithsonian Volcano program). Eighteen reports scantily report minor ash and gas emmissions with occasional small scale explosions at most of them. Small flow of lava was spotted at Merapi and Fuego. Missing is Etna and the Reykjanes Peninsula on Iceland – no new reports. La Palma was NOT missing, it is hands down emitting more activity than all others combined. This was all detailed in the longest weekly report ever filed. Since it is written journalistically in language which is actually real language (few are), it may be understood by a great many, therefore here is the complete report:
“The eruption at La Palma continued during 21-28 September, characterized by Strombolian explosions, lava fountaining from multiple vents, advancing lava flows, and sometimes dense, daily ash emissions. A strong increase in tremor amplitude during the afternoon of 21 September was coincident with intensifying Strombolian activity. Explosive activity again increased on 22 September and dense plumes with abundant amounts of ash rose 3-4.6 km (10,000-15,000 ft) a.s.l. and caused ashfall in areas downwind; ash deposits were 3 cm thick in an unspecified area 1 km from the vents. The main lava flow advanced W towards the coast. Ash emissions significantly increased on 23 September with plumes rising as high as 5 km (16,400 ft) a.s.l. A series of powerful explosions began at 1720 and shock waves could be seen propagating through the emission plumes. Vigorous lava fountaining was continuous. Volcanic tremor amplitude was high and variable, peaking at 1500 on 24 September with the highest values since the eruption started. The peak occurred just before two new vents opened on the flank of the main cone, and then notably decreased afterwards, but remained at high levels. Lava from the new vents rapidly traveled more than 1 km downslope, covering older flows, before slowing to 60-80 meters per hour. According to a news report, the explosions ejected tephra outside of the exclusion zone. An evacuation order was issued in the early afternoon for Tajuya, Tacande de Abajo, and part of Tacande de Arriba, affecting 300-400 people. Three airlines suspended flights to La Palma. The lava flow field had expanded to 1.9 square kilometers, destroyed more than 420 buildings, and covered 15.2 km of roads.
Tremor amplitude decreased around noon on 25 September, along with the intensity of the Strombolian explosions. During 25-26 September ash fell in nearby municipalities and as far as the E coast of the island. On 26 September the PEVOLCA steering committee recommended that residents who had evacuated two days earlier could return. The report described two main lava flows, with a highly fluid northern flow and a southern flow that was 2.5 km long. Sulfur dioxide emissions remained significant with an average rate of 25,000 tons per day, and ash plumes rose as high as 3 km above the vents. Lava continued to advance and flowed through Todoque, crossing the LP-213 road, just W of the main part of the town, at around 1900. The flow was 600 m across at the widest part and the leading edge was 4-6 m tall. Lava fountaining and low-intensity Strombolian explosions persisted. Copernicus EMS estimated that the lava covered 2.37 square kilometers, had destroyed 513 houses, and covered 18.9 km of roads. Multiple lava fountains feeding flows were visible on 27 September though the activity waned for a period of about eight hours. By the evening activity had resumed and low-intensity Strombolian explosions were visible.
Beginning at 0245 on 28 September lava fountains fed a new high-temperature, fast-moving flow that descended on top of older flank flows. The leading edge of the main flow continued to advance W and covered banana greenhouses, burning the plastic and igniting a storage of fertilizer resulting in small explosions and a brown odorous plume. About 140 more structures were covered by flows. In preparation for a possible ocean entry, authorities recommended that residents within a 5 km radius of the coastline keep their doors and windows closed, to stay away from windows in case they break, and to cover faces and skin in case of ashfall. Dense ash-and-gas plumes continued to rise from the main vents, as high as 5 km; the rising plume created gravity waves that looked like ripples moving away from the top of the plume. Late in the day lava reached the coastal area, descended a 100-m-high sea cliff, and by 2302 reached the ocean at Playa de los Guirres. Black-and-white plumes rose from where the lava contacted the water.”
Solar Activity: Solar Activity has maintained a higher level than it has for many years… bobbing up and down now at 38 Sunspots, with a falling Flux of 86 with a modest Solar Wind Speed and many flares this past week. The low point this past week was 25 Sunspots which is probably more or less the baseline to which average Solar Activity has risen. The high point was 74 sunspots on a flux of 101 on September 29, 2021, close on the alignment between Mercury and Jupiter.
Today’s current level of activity likely reflects a low point between the Mercury alignment with Jupiter on September 28, 2021 and the next alignments which will occur on October 5 and October 8, 2021. This latter alignment involves Mercury with Earth and so I believe we are right now in the beginning of a major increase again which could blow sunspot activity up close to 100.
I believe we are now in a moment of time when solar activity is on the average climbing higher towards a Max phase.
Average (and smoothed on a 12 month base) Solar Activity for August was 51.5 Sunspots, which is about 5.7 points above the projected average for September. September’s average was also over twice as large as the average for August 2021.
From these numbers you can see that solar activity is rising through the rapid part of its climb in the typical 11 year cycle.
ENSO CYCLE by NOAA: no change from last week
ENSO-neutral conditions are present. Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are near-to-below average across most of the Pacific Ocean. A transition from ENSO-neutral to La Niña is favored in the next couple of months, with a 70-80% chance of La Niña during the Northern Hemisphere winter 2021-22.*
Planetary Alignments:
(heliotropic gravity vectors)
Solar Activity during Fall 2021 should produce a lot of bobbing up and down of the Sunspot Count, averaging about one bob up or down every week, each surge occurring a few days to a week before one of the alignments, typically caused by the fast-moving Mercury passing through the longitudes of the positions of other planets. The heaviest outer planets are all within very nearly 1 quadrant of the solar system.
Most likely the greatest surges in solar activity will occur during the last week of December and the first week of January and in synchronicity with the bunching of the inner planets
September 28, 2021: Mercury aligns Jupiter,
Double-Header Feast: (plus or -2°)
October 5, 2021: Mercury aligns Neptune, Venus aligns Saturn
October 8, 2021: Mercury aligns Earth, Venus almost aligns Jupiter
October 13, 2021: Mercury aligns Uranus, Venus aligns Jupiter
October 28, 2021: Venus aligns Neptune, Earth almost aligns Uranus
November 3, 2021: Earth align Uranus
November 20, 2021: Mercury aligns Mars
November 28, 2021: Venus aligns Uranus
December 21, 2021: Mercury aligned Saturn
December 28, 2021: Mercury aligns Jupiter: Venus almost aligns Earth
December 31, 2021: Venus aligns Neptune
Another double-header:
January 11, 2022: Mercury aligns Uranus, Venus aligns Earth
Blue Sun: Grand Solar Minimum - on track as a Dalton MIN through to 2030.
Sea Surface Temperature on the Pacific Equator: remains ENSO Neural, no trend apparant
Jetstream: Really squirrely. Too difficult to describe or generalize from except this: weather is going to be unstable, unpredictable, and transient,.
Hurricane Season
The Atlantic: a minor storm front is forming over the Bahamas and will enter the coast of North America in northern Florida, Georgia, or South Carolina in a few days. It is not expected to become a hurricane
The East Pacific: nada.
The Central Pacific: nada
Southwestern Weather: rain came again and there may be more this week.. Projected highs near 85 all this coming week with lows about 65.
Thank God, that awful Summer is broken for good.
Lunar Orbital Chart – not incorporated this week, go here to view
The New Moon is October 6, 2021 followed by Perigee on October 9, 2021 which in turn is followed by an extreme Southern declination on October 12, 2021. This is an unfocused Syzygy, I don’t expect much drama in the seismic or volcanic activity of the Earth.
North Pole Sea Ice: Normalizing – refreeze has already commenced
Polar Axis Shift – not monitored at this time.
Watch carefully, be fully awake, and remember Trump’s remarks this past week:
The Latest Issue (September October 4, 2021)
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 31, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
The long expected Singularity (a time which engages all of humanity in sudden transformative change)…
…has begun.
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 24, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
"The non vaccinated will save humanity"
From French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor,
Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology
and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020
Pour your favorite beverage and take another few minutes to let that float around in your mind gathering up some of the implications for our futures.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, and hard data about all levels of the Covid Scamdemic is exceptional. The subscribers there are on top of the scene. You could write...
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 17, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
Montagnier: "The non vaccinated will save humanity"
Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon – still working on data verifications. But here is an urgent note:
From Milan, Italy, this past January 15th, 2022: French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020) got a well deserved welcome on his arrival at today’s protest in Milan.
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...