PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN: Earth Changes Bulletin Weekly Update As Of September 20, 2021
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Candle Vigil For Julian Assange - It is clear that criminal groups are in control of important government agencies and conduct their activities in open defiance and lawlessness of principle, constitution, and the Common Law of free association. Their prime strategy of rule is SECRECY and ruthless suppression of any one exposing their manipulations. Julian Assange is the most notable victim of their rule, but there are literally uncountable numbers of victims.
BULLETIN ITEM: This Full Update is available in PDF format. Earth-Changes-Bulletin-Weekly-Update-As-Of-September-20 2021.pdf
Continue on…..Rage, rage, rage against the dying of freedom…
Breaking News: September 20, 2021
The news continues to be highly favorable to the cause of freedom.
As last week, and more than ever, FAUCI/CDC/WHO/CABAL PANDEMIC…and their high and mighty allies...crumbling in full view of those whom they seek to murder….an arrogant family of disintegrating Humpty-Dumpties….falling…never to be put back together again.
The wave of opposition is still growing against the Cabal’s nakedly open moves to grab power over the Earth.
Public demonstrations are as much as ever, whistleblowers are flooding the Internet media, scientific opposition is expanding extremely rapidly to the realization that the Franken-Jabs are causing immense damage to a great many people. So informed people see that a massive emergency response is necessary for dealing with the current situation. And now there is also the gathering of a strong suspicion that the prospects during the next two years for those now vaccinated are several times greater the current rates. It is now beginning to dawn that this issue will stress out the entire nation. Some are even arguing that billions will die during the next 2-5 years.
My own opinion is that the Covid Spike infections can be controlled, reduced, and actually eliminated for most of those who have been currently enslaved to be Gates’ doomsday virus replication machines. There are strong empirical indications as well as strong inferential logic for supposing that the same major chemical power punchers against virions will work to control, reduce, and some actively remove the Spikes from the system, including the weird and queer graphene oxides. My short list now includes, Regeneron or other mono antibody clones, Ivermectin, HCQ + Zinc, glutathione, and silver. I am more certain than ever about silver. These can eliminate the free circulation spikes and allow most of the body to heal immediately while it begins to purge the synthetic covid mRNA out of the cells (which will probably require a relatively long period of months or even years).
Thus I strongly suspect that a stupendous effort can be taken successfully to remediate most of those infected by Gates’ doomsday virus replication machines. However, it will take a lot of money.
To pay for it, I would seize all the Gates assets, all the vaccine pharmaceutical companies and all their assets, plus the incomes of the officers and boards of directors of those companies for the past five years, AT LEAST.
I would also suspend all vaccines – ALL – for a ten year evaluation period. And, not least, I would simply outlaw all genetic and cell structure manipulation. Period. It might be that sometime in the hazy distant future, humanity will mature to a level which can wisely use such technology but it certainly ain’t now or anytime soon.
FALL EQUINOX: Tuesday, September 22, 2021: 12:21 pm (UTC-7)
Duration 89 days, 20 hrs, 38 mins
A good day to refocus on the Cosmic Context, what’s happening, what you are doing, your relationship to the divine spiritual reality
Moon: Full Moon September 20, 2021; 4:54 pm (UTC-7)
This is a special Full Moon. It is almost perfectly OUT OF PHASE with the other extreme points in its orbit around the Earth.
For the FULL Earth Changes Bulletin in PDF format, download from
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 31, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
The long expected Singularity (a time which engages all of humanity in sudden transformative change)…
…has begun.
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 24, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
"The non vaccinated will save humanity"
From French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor,
Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology
and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020
Pour your favorite beverage and take another few minutes to let that float around in your mind gathering up some of the implications for our futures.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, and hard data about all levels of the Covid Scamdemic is exceptional. The subscribers there are on top of the scene. You could write...
PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN Weekly Update As Of January 17, 2022
by Michael Wells Mandeville ( Central Arizona)
Full Version: click to download The Latest Issue in PDF
Montagnier: "The non vaccinated will save humanity"
Let that sink in and kick loose the implications to float around in your head.
Spike Fighter is coming very soon – still working on data verifications. But here is an urgent note:
From Milan, Italy, this past January 15th, 2022: French Virologist and Noble Prize winner professor Luc Montaigner (one of the top highly respected scientists on virology and who was one of the first to sound the alarm bells about the Jabs in 2020) got a well deserved welcome on his arrival at today’s protest in Milan.
Share your interests and discussions on the Telegram site at The collection of articles, tips, pix, videos, ...